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Welcome to 2020 and the new decade

Welcome to 2020!

But is it really a new decade? Well what we can say is we are now out of the teens!

With the New Year upon us, here are some steps you can take to improve the health of your spine and your overall well-being.

·         Aim to get daily exercise, preferably close to nature.  Many of the benefits of regular exercise can be experienced with just 30 minutes of physical activity a day. Not only will you decrease your risk of illnesses like heart disease and diabetes, you may also be more likely to experience a reduction in back pain and other aches and pains. Try walking on the beach or in the bush or using public transport especially if you walk to the bus or train! I did it in 2019!

·         Breathe. Mindfulness, meditation, going on walks, and taking breaks throughout the day can all aid in stress reduction. Lowering your stress may also help your immune system be more resilient and decrease chronic pain flare-ups.

·         Laugh often and easily. Laughter helps to relieve mental stress; and fires off a cascade of physiological reactions that benefit your health. Studies show that laughing can stimulate the heart, muscles, and lungs— not to mention the flurry of endorphins that are released.

·         Eat things recently alive and mostly plants, especially your greens... and reds and yellows... in fact as many colours as possible. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and kale, which are rich in calcium, may help to decrease the risk of osteoarthritis. Spinach, lentils, and beans are high in magnesium, a mineral shown to benefit some people with back pain. Drink water instead of soft drinks.

·         Whatever you do, don’t smoke… (or drink too much). Smoking increases your risk of just about everything including spinal pain and arthritis. Quitting smoking has also been tied to an improvement in spinal pain. As a bonus, research shows that smokers who attempt to quit in January are more successful because of the extra motivation the New Year provides.

·         Don’t forget your chiropractic care. New research shows people who see chiropractors use less drugs such as opioids which don’t cure back pain anyway. No surprises there!

Have a great year!

Lyndon Amorin-Woods